Step #1

Place the items on top of the foam. Make sure there is 3/4″ – 1″ of foam between heavy or delicate items.

Step #2

Trace around the items with a permanent marker or pointed piece of chalk, then remove your items.

Step #3

It’s best to do a “test seperation” in the midle of a large block you are removing BEFORE you attempt to follow your tracing.

Take your time, go slow, and try to remove large sections at one time. Make sure to be extra careful when removing the foam in detailed areas.

Carefully seperate the edges of the foam where you have traced. The method we use is to first insert two fingers along the line of perforation, then slowly “pull back” the foam. Another method that works well is to use your finger as a “knife blade” and run it down the seam slowly.

Having a razor blade handy can make the process easier if you encounter any stubborn perforations.

Step #4

If you have accidentally removed a block or tore a seam and need to fix it, simply use a hot glue gun to touch up small areas. (not recommended for large repairs)

Test fit your items frequently! It is easier to remove and replace the item if the foam is not under pressure from the item and”slightly loose”. Remember that the entire item is encased in foam and if it moves slightly in the cut-out, it will still not be easily damaged.

At this time you can go for a even more custom look and try to trim some of the blocks in half at a 45 degree angle with a very sharp razor blade. (See photo for step #5 for an example)


Step #5 (Optional but Recommended)

For more durability and abrasion resistance we recommend coating the customized foam in Plasti Dip. You will need to make several coats to get a good buildup, the first two coats should be very light to avoid melting the foam. About 1 can for a pistol case or a single rifle case, and two cans for the Dreadnought double layer case should work well.

You can see how the perforations in the foam are completely sealed. The foam is much more resistant to accidentally tearing a seam while removing or replacing items from the case. Additionally the foam is much more resistant to abrasion once coated and will last a very long time!